020 8556 0103     school@downsellprimary.waltham.sch.uk     Downsell Road, Leyton, London, E15 2BS  

Information for Visitors

We welcome all visitors to our school.

Whilst we wish all of our visitors to feel welcome, our principle concern is the safeguarding of all of our pupils. We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our children and expect all staff, volunteers, visitors and outside agencies to share this commitment by following the guidelines set out below.

Signing in
All visitors must report to the school as soon as they arrive at school. You will be asked to sign in using our electronic system, which will request your name, reason for your visit and who you are visiting. When you have signed in you will receive a printed pass and lanyard, which must be visible on you at all times while in school. We will request photographic ID to be shown for those visiting in a professional capacity.
In accordance with current safeguarding guidelines, visitors who are not enhanced DBS checked will be given a red lanyard and escorted at all times. We appreciate your understanding of this protocol.
If you are a visitor who regularly visits us, or several different schools, as part of your duties, you or your manager should have supplied a member of the office staff with written confirmation that a satisfactory enhanced DBS check has been carried out. You will be given a green lanyard and will not need to be escorted.
School staff wear a blue lanyard and all staff will have an ID Badge.
Staff are asked to be vigilant of our visitor protocols, and can politely ask you to return to the school office if you are wearing a red lanyard and are unescorted or if you do not have a lanyard on. Please do not take offence if you are questioned regarding this, as our priority is to ensure the safety of our pupils and staff.
Please ensure that you sign out when exiting the school site and hand the visitor’s pass and lanyard back to reception.
Parents / carers and family members attending workshops, information sessions, assemblies and performances will not be requested to sign in via our electronic system, instead there will be a signing in sheet available. Where attending an individual appointment you will be asked to sign in via our electronic system.
A member of the office team will issue you with key safeguarding information that you will need to read before entering the main school area.
You can also view our safeguarding information using the following link:


Wi-Fi Access
If you are a professional who is given permission to use the school wi-fi, you must not share the password with anyone, and you are expected to follow the school’s acceptable use agreement. This will be given to you and you will be asked to sign to say you have read and accepted this agreement.
Please be aware that the school uses a filtering and monitoring system, which also produces reports detailing attempts to access sites blocked by the system.
Visits from Professionals
For those visiting our school to lead a session with our pupils (i.e. workshop, assemblies etc) we ask that the content of the session is shared before your visit with the staff member that has organised your visit and the school’s DSL. 
Disabled Access
We have 2 disabled spaces for parking available, please contact the school office prior to your visit to reserve a space. We also have disabled access to the main office and a lift to access the first floor, as well as toilets with disabled access on both the ground floor and first floor. Should you require any assistance (especially in an emergency) please ask or make any specific needs known on arrival.
We have limited parking spaces available for visitors. Please contact the school office prior to your visit to ensure a space is booked for you.
Smoking / Vaping
Smoking / vaping is prohibited anywhere on the school premises, including the school’s outdoor areas (i.e. playgrounds).

Downsell Road
E15 2BS
Great Britain
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