020 8556 0103     school@downsellprimary.waltham.sch.uk     Downsell Road, Leyton, London, E15 2BS  


The Governing Body

16 Feb 2024

The Governing Body is made up of seven governors, including the Headteacher.

Governors are the strategic leaders of the school and have three key responsibilities:
  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff; and
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.
In addition, governors may also be asked to serve on a panel such as an exclusion or HR appeal.

Our Governing Body currently meets at least once a term. The agendas for each meeting are planned in advance on an annual basis. This forward planning ensures that all meetings are purposeful, focus on the school's development plans, review all statutory and good practice requirements in addition to any items that may need discussing throughout the year. 

Our Governors 
Head Teacher - Deena Chetty 

Chair of Governing Body - 
David Backhouse MBE
Co-Vice Chairs of Governing Body - Co-opted Governors Harriet Patterson and Chris Brown
Co-opted Governor - Ffion Bevan 
Staff Governor - Sansel Guvercintasi

Parent Governor - Azeem Ahmed 

Parent Governor - Seham Kassim-Ali
Link Governors
1. Safeguarding, Looked after children, Attendance and Behaviour - David Backhouse MBE
2. SEND, Pupil Premium and Sports Premium - Azeem Ahmed
3. Health and Safety – Orian Etienne
4. Curriculum including standards - Harriet Patterson and David Backhouse MBE

5. Online Safety - Harriet Patterson 

6. Religious Education - David Backhouse MBE

7. Parent and Staff voice - Sansel Guvercintasi

Contact our Chair of Governors:

By email: office@downsellprimary.waltham.sch.uk

By post: FAO David Backhouse MBE

Downsell Primary School 
134-136 Downsell Road
E15 2BS

If your communication is private, please make sure you mark this in the subject of your email or on the envelope of your letter. 

Statutory Information

Meeting attendance registers and register of personal and pecuniary interests 

  -Governors Details Register 2024 - 25.pdf-  



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