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Welcome back!
Mr Rahman - 23 Sep 2020
Welcome back
Welcome to our class page where you will find information regarding our class.
It has been great having the children back at school. I know there have been some issues regarding accessing Google Drive. I have reminded the children on how to access their log in page and access the drive. The children need to follow the instructions to complete the signing in. The log in detail are as follows:
The first letter of their name E.g. for a child named Ali Rashid, his login details are, arashid@downsellprimary.org
Password as default is: StudentPass – With capital S and Capital P. This can be changed to make it more secure.
Spellings have been uploaded on Google drive and homework can be accessed on Google Classroom. We will continue to set homework on Mymaths as well as Readworks. Also Times Tables Rokstars is up and running. Additionally, the Year 5 Team will display the spellings outside the window of the classrooms so that parents/carers that are having difficulties accessing Google drive can take note of the words for spellings. For this week, I have attached the spellings on here.
Hope this helps. If you need further help. Please arrange a meeting with me so that we can discuss it further.
Thank you,
Mr Rahman