Home School Timetable - Week 3 (06/04/2020)
06 Apr 2020
Hello Everyone,
We hope that you are looking after yourselves, washing your hands and keeping busy.
Please see the timetable we suggest you follow each week.
Have free time in the evenings and at the weekends.
You already have work packs at home. However, additional work is available.
You can access the work online.
You can upload homework using the homework tab.
Reading using Readworks (See the homework tab about how to access it.)
Monday: Peruvian food
Tuesday: Animals in Peru
Wednesday: Food festivals in South Africa
Thursday: Festivals in Bangladesh
Friday: Famous national parks in Thailand
Maths using My Maths:
Monday: Starting to compare fractions
Tuesday: TimesTable Rockstars
Wednesay: Using fractions
Thursday: TimesTable Rockstars
Friday: Fractions as operators
English: Writing using The Literacy Shed - Watch 'Ride of Passage'
Toki’s tribe expects him to bring home the head of the biggest animal possible. In return, he will receive honour and respect. However, this rite of passage does not turn out as planned. With the help of a colourful new friend, he achieves something much bigger.
Monday - Watch the video and talk about it eg chracters, settings etc.
Tuesday - Watch the video again and role play parts of the story.
Wednesday - Write the dialogue between Toki and the Elders when they realise he released the Chameleon - remember to use inverted commas and reporting clasues - UPLOAD WORK.
Thursday - Create a map of Toki's village - UPLOAD WORK.
Friday - Write a diary entry for a day in the life of Toki - UPLOAD WORK.
You can upload your writing on the homework page.
Project work:
Monday - Watch the 'Ride of Passage'
Tuesday - Draw a rainforest - use google to give you ideas.
Wednesday - Paint or colour the rainforest from yesterday - UPLOAD WORK.
Thursday - Using bits and bobs that you have at home, create a rainforest diorama - you may have already made one - UPLOAD WORK.
Friday - Finish your rainforest diorama - UPLOAD WORK.
You can upload your project work on the homework page.
Take good care and best wishes from,
Miss Rahman, Mrs Hussain, Ms G.