Free eBook Library
Mr Pallas - 31 Mar 2020
Dear Parents,
Oxford Owl have got a great selection of eBooks for your children to read online. They work on both PCs and tablets and include some of the Read Write Inc phonics books we use in school.
Just go to this page and create a free account:
Once you've registered, you will be able to choose books by level. There are phonics books with RWI levels and Oxford Reading Tree books with Oxford levels. So how do you know which level to choose for your child?
Well, it's tricky - even for experienced teachers. One chlid might read fluently but struggle to understand the story. Another child could be careless and might seem to be making lots of errors, but actually understands everything they read.
So as a rough guide, I've created this table:
Pick a book and give it a go!
You can always try a different level next time.